

The Construct2Complete solution as part of the Projx Synergy digital toolbox provides a single source of truth for construction and completions teams alike.

It enables;

  • Digitised system delineation,
  • Test record sheet creation and tracking (hard copy and mobile application)
  • Digital dossier compilation,
  • Work-pack creation,
  • Management of design change,
  • Certification and completion workflow management,
  • Defect and issues management,
  • Realtime status reporting,
  • Document transmittal and control,
  • Definable levels of user access, allowing all project stakeholders to view and update information as required,
  • QR code allocation for easy tracking of hard copies,
  • Certified Digital and hard copy signatures

Why Construct2Complete?

  • One of the significant challenges on any project is ensuring a smooth transition from construction through to the completions, commissioning, and handover.

  • In most instances, construction is set up and managed by geographical areas or WBS, with progress being measured by quantities installed, whilst completions is traditionally set up and managed by System or Subsystem.

  • The Construct2Complete solution aligns with the construction activities at the commencement of the construction phase and tracks and monitors issues by WBS initially allowing a smooth transition to tracking and monitoring by System/Subsystem once the system delineation is in place thus maintaining the history and ensuring ownership of issues and actions from the construction phase through to the completion and commissioning phase and finally, on to handover.

More than a CMS! (Completions Management System)

  • Projx Synergy is far more than just a CMS. In addition to the traditional functions that are expected of most CMS’s, the Construct2Complete solution consists of 8 digital tools, the capabilities of which are detailed here.


  • The TestX Tool is Projx Synergy’s Completions Database. Within TestX you manage every aspect of your projects Completions Test Records, from requests, generation, completion, tracking and transmitting of Test Records.

  • Can’t decide whether to go digital or paper based? TestX is fully capable of providing both options and more. By providing a QR code generation capability for each printed document the Tool provides the flexibility to use both Paper and Digital as a hybrid solution that can be customised to suit your project’s needs.

  • Need digital or hard copy wet signatures? TestX provides both options, whether a fully certified digital signature, a password locked signing process or a print, sign and upload is required, each signed document will be fully auditable with signature authenticity verification process’s built-in as standard.

  • TestX enables Test Records to be pre-populated in bulk with applicable engineering data and test requirements, greatly reducing administrative man hours.

  • Need to integrate into an existing Completions System? TestX can mirror an existing Completions Database either through an API or semi-automated synchronisation.


  • PunchX allows the user to capture, monitor, rectify and close out punch list defects.

  • Punch items can be raised by individual users electronically utilising the easy-to-use forms capturing relevant information such as; classification, description, raised by, location, status, and responsible party.

  • Supporting documentation, GPS location and marked up photographic evidence can be attached to each punch while out in the field.

  • Having network connectivity issues? PunchX is a fully mobile tool working seamlessly between an online and offline environment. The tool automatically synchronises updated or new punch items once its back in range of a network.

  • Each Punch is given a unique identifier for traceability and can be allocated against a test sheet, tag, type of equipment, sub-system, or system.

  • Once raised each punch is automatically integrated into the Construction, Commissioning, and System Overview reports giving the user complete visibility on all punch items impacting system completion.

  • Generate custom punch reports to review and analyse trends and drive accountability, ensuring outstanding items are highlighted and addressed in time for handover.
Projx Construct2Complete
Projx Issues management

Issues & Actions

  • The Issues & Actions Tool is used to record issues and constraints that are impacting progress and or productivity, it also highlights issues that will potentially impact progress or productivity if not addressed.

  • The issues & Actions tool is fully mobile and gives frontline personnel the ability to capture their issues in real-time from the field.

  • Issues can be raised by individual users electronically utilising the easy to use forms capturing relevant information such as; classification, description, raised by, location, status, and who needs to action.

  • Supporting documentation, GPS location and marked up photographic evidence can be attached to each issue while out in the field.

  • Having network connectivity issues? Issues & Actions is a fully mobile tool working seamlessly between an online and offline environment. The tool automatically synchronises updated or new issues once its back in range of a network.

  • Each issue is given a unique identifier for traceability and can be allocated against an activity, work area, contractor, person,
    department, test sheet, tag, type of equipment, sub-system, or system.

Construction Overview

  • The Construction Overview tool is designed to give system owners a holistic view of the status of construction works to go by system and subsystem.

  • Managed at a subsystem level, the Construction Overview tool gives each system owner the ability to track and update the status of check sheets, punch items, engineering issues, materials deficiencies, schedule dates and certification requirements for each sub-system.

  • Forecast system completion dates can be updated live in the tool by system owners where these dates can then be linked directly to scheduling software allowing the planning department to better schedule and track upcoming works and expected handover dates.
Projx Construction2Complete

Commissioning Overview

  • The Commissioning Overview tool is designed to give system owners a holistic view of the status of commissioning works to go by system and subsystem.

  • Managed at a subsystem level, the Commissioning Overview tool gives each system owner the ability to track and update the status of check sheets, punch items, engineering issues, materials deficiencies, schedule dates and certification requirements for each sub-system.

  • Forecast system completion dates can be updated live in the tool by system owners where these dates can then be linked directly to scheduling software allowing the planning department to better schedule and track upcoming works and expected handover dates.

System Overview

  • The System Overview tool provides a detailed overview of system and subsystem completions status, from construction right through to commissioning and handover.

  • Within the System Overview tool you can track the status of test sheets, punch lists, forecast and actual completion dates, issues, as built drawings, certificate sign offs and MDR completion.

  • An intuitive reporting function allows the user to generate skyline graphs and commissioning fishbones.
Projx Subsystem Overview


  • The Personnel tool is the central repository for all personnel-related information. It provides secure and confidential storage with unique user access-control built in as standard.

  • The Personnel tool ensures all applicable personnel information is captured, stored, and maintained. Personnel qualifications can be easily accessed by approved personnel to verify the suitability of employees required to sign off test sheets or other quality documentation whilst ensuring those qualifications remain current and valid.

  • Struggling to manage rosters? Within the Personnel tool you can view and manage and adjust rosters by project, area, department, manager, or supervisor giving the project team the unique ability to level project resources with ease.

  • An emergency SMS or e-mail notification to workforce functionality can also be used to allow mass or tailored individual communications.


  • DocX is a full functionality document management tool.

  • It provides a central repository for all project documentation including but not limited to procedures, specifications, drawings, work packs, test sheets, FATs, SATs, Vendor/Project MDRs and EEHA Dossiers.

  • All completions documentation such as test sheets and handover certificates are automatically stored in DocX, allowing users to access these documents through hyperlinks.

  • Bulk import and export functionality facilitates time and cost savings when front-loading the project or compiling an MDR for Client/Owner handover.

  • Documents can be transmitted to internal or external stakeholders for review and approval with full revision control mitigating issues associated with working off outdated documentation.

  • DocX also allows users to compile dynamic or static work packs for construction or commissioning activities, ensuring all applicable documentation to deliver the scope of work is in one easy to access location.

  • Users can also develop personalised workspaces and subscriptions to ensure they are notified of a revised document.

  • With a document check in/out functionality that maintains revision control and an inbuilt document workflow capability for document electronic signatories, DocX brings full document control to your project.

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